December 2 + December 9
3pm-5pm EST


How Real Humans Talk!: Dialogue Writing Essentials

Dialogue mastery is an essential, oft-overlooked skill—arguably THE most important tool in the writer’s toolbox—and you can MASTER it. This workshop is a fun, collaborative, observation-based 2 weeks where you will learn to identify convincingly real ways “real humans really talk” (read: fumbling, dumb, inarticulate, subtexy, halting, exquisitely imperfect stuff!). Whether you’re a fiction writer, screenwriter, or playwright (aspiring or otherwise), the most dependable “weak link” in any piece of middling writing is always: BAD DIALOGUE!

When we nail authentic conversational voice, we DEEPEN investment in the world we’ve built, its humans’ emotional inner lives and endearing foibles. But, when we miss the conversational mark, an otherwise enthralled viewer/reader is rudely shoved from the speeding revelry of your brilliant fictional work … SMACK onto the ugly sidewalk.