September 30
11 AM – 12 PM ET
RSVP at Chill Subs


Why “Barbie” Is A Brainiac: The Power of Embodiment in Screenwriting

In this FREE 1-hour workshop, have a blast exploring the screenwriting techniques and innovations employed in Greta Gerwig’s groundbreaking “BARBIE.” If you found “BARBIE” utterly-to-moderately delightful and are interested in mayyybe dipping your own toe in screenwriting (or you’re already waist-deep in scene work) this 1-hour is a great primer on Lauren’s screenwriting workshops (to debut fall + winter at Write or Die). ZERO screenwriting experience required to join. This workshop is perfect for screenwriters of ALL levels—from vaguely curious to absolute beginners OR experienced multi-drafters. In other words: HI, BARBIE!